Bursar's Office

Withdrawal and Refund Calculations

Withdrawal and Refund Calculations

Within the first week of a term, 学生可以通过学生门户网站退课,而无需获得教师的签名. 在这一周内,学生的成绩单上不会出现W的成绩, and the classes will be dropped as a “never attended."

如果学生想要退出一门或几门课程或从大学全部退出, the following conditions apply with respect to the refund of charges.

  • 任何在学期第二周开始之前退学的学生都有资格获得该学期除初始注册费外的所有费用的退还, book vouchers, books, and other course materials. The refund of residential charges will be pro-rated.
  • 任何在学期第二周开始后退出所有课程的学生都有资格退还这些课程的学费(包括课程超限费), according to the schedule below.

Refunds for 16 Week Courses

Time of Withdrawal Tuition Refund
Through week 1 of term (By Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST, Week 1) 100%
During week 2 of term (By Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST, Week 2) 75%
During week 3 of term (By Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST, Week 3) 50%
During week 4 of term (By Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST, Week 4) 25%
After week 4 of term No refund

Refunds for 8 Week Courses

Time of Withdrawal Tuition Refund
Through week 1 of term (By Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST, Week 1) 100%
During week 2 of term (By Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST, Week 2) 50%
During week 3 of term (By Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST, Week 3) 25%
After week 3 of term No refund

Refunds for Summer 12 Week Courses

Time of Withdrawal Tuition Refund
Through week 1 of term (By Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST, Week 1) 100%
During week 2 of term (By Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST, Week 2) 75%
During week 3 of term (By Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST, Week 3) 50%
During week 4 of term (By Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST, Week 4) 25%
After week 4 of term No refund

Refunds for Summer 4 & 6 Week Courses

Time of Withdrawal Tuition Refund
Through week 1 of term (By Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST, Week 1) 100%
During week 2 of term (By Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST, Week 2) 50%
After week 2 of term No refund
  • 任何非全日制学生(注册11个或更少的学分)在学期开始后退出一门或多门课程,都有资格根据上表中的时间表退还这些课程的学费.
  • 全日制本科学期的学生(注册12至18学时),其全日制学术地位不受退出课程或他们已经参加的课程的影响,不能因退出这些课程而获得任何学费退款.
  • Full-time undergraduate traditional students (enrolled in 12- 18 credit hours), 谁在开学第一周后退了一门或几门课,然后用任何额外的课程来代替退了的课程, 只要注册不超过18个学时,就不会产生额外的学费.
  • Traditional undergrad students enrolled in classes exceeding 18 credit hours, will be charged a “per hourly” rate.  如果一个提款被处理,并且有课程产生了“每小时”的费率, then only those hours will be adjusted according to the schedule above.
  • 任何希望在上课第一周后完全退出澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学的学生都应该提交一份完整的退出表格, 由学生的指导老师或学生和学术支持办公室(SASS)签署给学术服务办公室.


(1)在学期的前两周内发生的退学的第四章援助的返还计算将基于学生退学的学期的最后出勤日期. 在学期的前两周后开始退学的学生将有资格根据向学术服务部门提交的退学表的日期退款第四章援助. 超过学期60%的学生将没有资格获得第四章的资助.

(2)任何学生在一个学期内所有课程的成绩都达到AF,将被视为该学期的非正式退学,并将按照第四章的退款计算. Based on this calculation, 第四章援助的一部分可能是不劳而获的,需要返还给相应的机构.

(3) Once a housing contract is submitted and housing is assigned, students are legally responsible for all food and housing charges. 如果学生自愿退学或学生因任何原因被学校开除, including for a violation of any University policy, the student will not be entitled to any refund.

VA Post 9/11 GI Bill® Withdraw Calculations:

On January 5, 2021, the President signed the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 into law (Public Law 116-315). 新法律要求学校和培训机构承担经济责任, instead of the student, for benefits paid directly to an educational institution. 这适用于9/11后GI法案®下的学杂费支付和黄丝带计划支付(包括Edith Nourse Rogers STEM奖学金)。, and to advance payment of benefits under the various GI Bill® programs.

However, in accordance with section 1019 of Public Law 116-315, VA will not collect these debts from you. Rather, VA will collect these amounts from your school. In turn, 你的学校可能会要求你支付任何未偿还的学费和其他费用或罚款,并可能就这笔债务与你联系.* It is important that you work with your school to resolve this matter.

* 注意:一旦VA确定了学费数额,学校将告知应支付的费用. Therefore with this change, the VA is now making the school and student responsible for the debt that is owed.

Tuition Appeals

At Lindenwood University, 我们理解,可能会出现要求学生对学费提出上诉的情况. 我们已经制定了学费上诉政策,以仔细审查和考虑这些请求. 重要的是要注意,申诉必须满足特定的要求才能考虑报销.

Appeals for consecutive semesters are not considered. If you received Financial Aid for the term you're appealing, submitting an appeal may affect your Financial Aid and result in a balance. Discuss these implications with Student Financial Services before proceeding.


Valid reasons for appeals include significant illness or injury, death of a family member, or unforeseen employment or schedule changes.

Appeals are not approved for reasons such as policy misinterpretation, dissatisfaction with instructors, or personal errors in judgment.

Submit completed appeal form and required documentation via email to businessofficeappeals@brandonmchose.com.

Appeals do not exempt accounts from collections or penalties. Allow 30-60 days for your appeal to be processed. All committee decisions are final.

Refund Distribution of Financial Aid

After the amount of the refund has been calculated, 学生金融服务办公室将根据美国政府批准的计算时间表确定第四章退款金额.S. Department of Education. 对特定的第四章项目的退款将按照概述的顺序向以下项目进行:

  1. FFEL项目贷款余额(无补贴Stafford,补贴Stafford)
  2. PLUS
  3. Federal Pell Grant awards
  4. Federal SEOG awards
  5. Other Title IV student assistance
  6. Other federal, state, private, or institutional aid
  7. The student


Cash Disbursements

当一个学生正式或非正式地从学校退学,并收到一笔现金支付的教育费用,超过了当时的非机构教育费用, 学生欠的超额金额,以帮助满足学生的教育费用的标题IV计划(s). 澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学将遵循退款政策中使用的相同程序,以确定哪个第四章课程将获得学生所欠的还款. The university will notify, bill, and collect the amount owed the Title IV program(s) from the student.